A few pictures taken during last summer at my home on the Spanish island of Tenerife. They show me larking around with my friend Emma. I hope you like them. Jane xxxx In the castle sequel...
After nearly twenty years of marriage, my wife SEASHELL and I decided to take the plunge. This is the first time we've EVER done this. It was definitely exciting, and certainly got us warmed up. Beautiful and tanned...
after receiving such great comments for our First Time Photos, we decided to show you "part two " of our collection. -- Best regards, One Night.......
Heike And My Car / Heike Und Mein Auto Part 4 - Pics were take on a nice summer day in Berlin. Die Bilder wurden an einem sch?nen Sommertag in Berlin aufgenommen. Say someting to me......
My Durty Hot Wife!!! - we recently got a new camera and have started taking some erotic pictures.....you can see more under the name durtyGurl Sersa modeling some more....
We haven't contributed to voyeurweb in a couple of years so we thought we would send in an update with a few of our favorites. Hope you enjoy! Breakfast time!...
After my ride, it was the Captains job to warm me up, he did and I have the pictures to prove it. Let me know how you like these and just maybe, I'll share the warm up session. you say that?...
Enfermera Mexicana - Es es mi amiga laura, es enfermera y le encanta curar con sus encantos,escribanos y cuentenos que les parece, le gustaria estar con una mujer This is my friend, she works as a nurce and she like to heal with here beauty, write to us, she we like to be with a woman
December 2024 9:18:36
Hier mal wieder ein Beitrag auf deutsch. Leider mag meine Sabine ihr Gesicht nicht zeigen, zu scheu! Ich hoffe ihr moegt ihren Koerper trotzdem. Und fuer alle die nur rasierte Frauen moegen, bitte einfach weiterklicken.
December 2024 6:18:58
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December 2024 15:58:41
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